Thursday, April 26, 2007

(mis)adventure with chopsticks

Ever wondered what it takes to compete with chinese...flexibity and determination. To attain these qualities in life one should have dedication and will power (I can hear you saying 'cut the crap'). Well to experience the true flavour of Chinese food, we decided to use chop sticks!

Battle field : Our regular eat out Cascade, besant nagar
Warriors : my usual comrades bright, divs and my bro arun

It was a conscious decision on our part to eat with (try to) chop sticks in our fav place when my friends are around rather than trying out in a new place.
After watching some Chinese movies, I felt it wasn’t that a big deal. But it’s very easily said than done. The chopsticks given to us were made out of plastic instead bamboo, not to say that I am an expert in bamboo chopsticks. I read thro the pictorial instructions to understand how to use it. We dint dare to try soup with chop sticks. Bright and I ate noodles but divs and arun were gutsy enough to try eating rice.

Check out the video to see how hard it is…

We offered wholesome entertainment for those @ the restaurant. I could hear some giggles right from the beginning. End of this futile exercise my shirt had lots of stain as a souvenir for my bravery. Should say we attracted many eyeballs !